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Mrs Everett's Star Award



 Reception - Victoria for trying really hard in her rainbow challenge.

 Year 1 - Shirley - Cecilia for always giving 100% effort in all her areas of learning.

 Year 2 - Zara for always trying so hard in all that she does.
 Year 3 - Riley for putting in so much effort into being the best he can be.

 Year 4 - Darcie for always being such a helpful polite shining star.

Year 5 -Evan for always being helpful, polite, kind and hard-working.

 Year 6 - Sorcha for always being so willing to help and go the extra mile.


Reading Skills Award

Image result for reading clip art

Reception - .

Destiny for her beautiful fluency during guided reading.

Year 1-  Alvin for beautiful reading aloud great progress.
Year 2 - 

Elvin for working hard on reading plus.

Year 3- 

Sami for his great explanations and understanding of all texts during guided reading.

Year 4 -  Sophia for wonderful progress in her understanding of the text.
Year 5 -  Jake for always demonstrating a love of books.
Year 6 -  Fifine for working so hard on her reading comprehension skills.



Star Writer" Poster by WriterPosts | Redbubble Reception - Dominic for trying so hard in his writing..

Year 1 - Nash for such amazing improvement in handwriting and using bold vocabulary.

Year 2 -  Gerry for trying hard to use finger spaces.

Year 3 - Nathan for the effort and care that goes into every p[iece of work.

Year 4 -Darcie for making such beautiful improvemnets with your handwriting over the past term.

Year 5 - Harrison for beautiful handwriting and presentation.

Year 6  - Eniyaa for writing beautiful poetry.


Science Award

science class - Clip Art Library

Reception  - Lehat for his excellent knowledge of plants.

Year 1 -Arthur for showing real interest and care when plotting seedlings.

Year 2 - Presley for being really enthusiastic in all science lessons.

Year 3 -Riley for his wonderful skills during our magnetic experiment.

Year 4 - .Esme C for always approaching science lessons in a curious, inqusitive way..

Year 5 - James for taking so much care and pride in your work.

Year 6 - Charles for always working so hard in all science lessons.


Maths Award

Math Clipart Images - Free Download on FreepikReception - William for his amazing counting.

Year 1 - Jayden for his excellent number bonds.

Year 2 - Melvin for trying so hard to tell the time.

Year 3 - .Laura for her effort and determination in our tricky fractions work.

Year 4  - Ruby for perservering to achieve and succeed within our fractions work.

Year 5 - Angelin for challenging herself and working strategically to solve problems.

Year 6  - Eesa for always working so hard in maths sessions.







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